Attachment trap

80.00 EGP

Bad emotional experiences are among the most difficult things a person goes through. Although the need for love is one of the basic human needs, if you need it too much, things become confusing for you. Sometimes your vision becomes wrong and you are unable to differentiate between love and attachment. When you fall into a trap, you think that there is no escape from it. You think it’s the end of you, but it’s not.
In this book you will get to know your true self. And the most famous types of toxic personalities and methods of psychological manipulation that deal with your feelings and mind, Because prevention is better than cure, you will know how to avoid falling into the trap. As for those who are still under the weight of psychological pain resulting from the manipulation of their feelings and are struggling to recover from toxic relationships… You won’t be alone.. We will step together on your path to recovery and escape from the trap of attachment.


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